This week our builder should be finishing up a job where he is at now, and he should be back to frame in the doors and windows, frame up the mudroom, put on the siding, and put on the roof.
After that, the pounding of nails gets turned over to us!
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They are moving ahead at light speed - and then you will be super busy! When are you planning to have this completed?
Quilted Simple-
We have been very happy with how quickly everything is coming along.
That is one of the reasons we decided to go this route. The speed of it effects the price quite a bit. Since they go up so quickly compared to a stick built house, you save A LOT on labor. Also, we wanted to get the house we are in now sold as quickly as possible since it is part of Ethan's salary. (When it sells, he gets a housing allowance.) So the quicker we could get a house sided with a roof, the quicker we could list this house. There are other things that bring down the cost going this route too, and those processes will also will save time and materials.
As to when it will be completed, that is a good question! We will be doing most of the other work ourselves, along with help from wonderful volunteers. We have 1 year to complete it (last doorknob and piece of trim on) for the construction loan. We are assuming that won't be a problem.
Once we start the work, I will probably just post a work week picture update once a week.
Oh, we do plan on living in it while we are working on it too. :) That is the reason for the old camper I talked about awhile ago - to get the kids away from heavy construction and give them a nap area.
Did I hear the word "volunteer?" I stand ready with hammer in hand! :)
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