As I sit in my 76 degree house, my heart goes out to the families that are being effected by this shortage, and I realize even more the blessings of wood heat.

Although there is much work that Ethan does cutting our wood, bringing it to the house, and splitting it (which the kids and I enjoy helping with as able), there is some work indoors to keeping a wood stove going, which I usually take care of being the one home. This work is well worth it though, considering the money we saved not putting in duct work, a furnace, or paying a monthly heating bill.
Plus, it is relaxing to watch and has wonderful heat to soak up - it is a great place to check the kids' school papers in front of or just pause in front of (with often very long pauses!).

This fence comes in 5 sections, one of which has a gate with a very secure latching system. There were also optional extension pieces of various sizes (of which we ordered one), that allow you to perfectly fit the gate to the area needed. These sections can be adjusted to any angle, which also allows for getting just the right fit around your stove or fireplace. This fence is also a nice weight and is very sturdy once set up. It came with wall attachments to further help with security, but since I fold it up at the end of each season, I opted not to use these. Plus, I felt that it was sturdy enough as it was, and without the brackets I can also pull it out for easier cleaning.
You might have noticed from the top photo that we have a black stove board outside of the fence, on the right hand side of the stove. Although not beautiful, this is in place to deflect heat away from a beautiful roll top desk that my dad, who has a custom woodworking business, built for me. The stove board gets tossed up in the attic with the fire gate once we are done burning wood for the season.
Also, on the outside of our gate, we keep a crock that contains some valuable items when working with our stove. This crock holds newspapers and matches for starting new fires (matches can also be kept inside the fence for extra safety with little ones), fire starting bricks for those late night returns when we want fire quickly, a small dustpan and broom for sweeping up pieces of wood, Creo-Shot sticks for cleaning out creosote during the small fires of spring and fall, and most importantly, fire gloves to not only safeguard when adding and moving logs, but to also make working with hot fires and coals more manageable.
Speaking of hot fires, one of the hardest things when first working with a wood stove is figuring out how to get the right burn within your stove. This is something that we fumbled with for awhile. If your fire burns too cool, you will get a creosote build up in your stove pipe, which can in turn lead to a chimney fire that could cause considerable damage to a home. If you burn your stove too hot, you would avoid the creosote build up but could cause considerable damage to your stove. Along with that, not burning your wood at the proper temperature means that you don't get the best efficiency out of the wood you have worked so hard to acquire.
In order to help with keeping our burn at the proper temperature, we now have a wonderful little magnetic stove thermometer that sits on the hottest part of our stove. The coil on the underside of the thermometer controls the needle which tells us if the fire is burning at a temperature that produces creosote, is in the best zone, or is too hot. By a quick glance at this thermometer, we can either add wood or dampen the stove accordingly. This thermometer even has a wire handle, allowing us to move it without getting burnt.
Another item that we have on the top of our stove is a steam pot. Actually, we now have 2 as I asked for a second one for my birthday. I keep these steam pots full at all times to keep our air moist (unless I am trying to dry laundry inside and want less humidity in the house). When the burn is kept in the best zone, these pots produce a consistent steam to rehumidify the house. A wood stove does dry out the air quite a bit, and adding humidity back to the air is very important for your skin, as well as your wooden furniture. (As a cautionary note, these pots will spew out boiling water all over if you get your stove too hot. Don't ask me how I know! Although the photo doesn't show it, I usually keep the lid swung open to keep an eye out for water starting to boil, as well as monitoring water level.)
The tool somewhat parallel with the front of the stove, with a shepherd's hook like handle, came with our tool stand and is used for moving logs around within the stove. The pointed tip is helpful for pushing logs, and the hook is helpful for grabbing at and pulling logs.
Laying diagonally across that tool is what is called a blow poke. At one end it has a mouthpiece that you blow into. The air is focused through the tool and out an opening in the end. This is a wonderful way to get focused air movement inside the stove to bring coals or weak fires to life, without creating a spray of ashes. At the end of this tool is a claw, also helpful for moving logs around.

Also hanging on this tool stand is a broom (which came with the set and is mainly decoration) and two tools used for sorting hot coals and emptying ashes.

Although not stored by our stove, I do want to mention one last tool that we use at least once a year. A chimney cleaning kit is very important for the safety of your house and your family if you don't hire someone to clean your stove pipe. The cleaning brush (sized to match your stovepipe) is attached to as many rods as needed to work down to the bottom of the stove pipe. Cleaning out a chimney needs to be done at the start of every season, making sure that nothing has plugged the chimney (birds nests, leaves, whatever.) It should also be used anytime you think you might be getting creosote build up in your stove pipe - especially if you have been burning a lot of cooler temperature fires. This is a job I actually enjoy doing since I am the one that doesn't mind heights. It gives me an excuse to crawl on top of our house and enjoy a view of our farm not many people get to see.
So there you have it - what it takes to keep the fire burning in our house.
Apart from needing to keep the woodpile stocked, which Ethan really doesn't mind when he can find the time, the only time that I dislike having a wood stove is when we leave in the winter for a couple days and come home needing to put the kids to bed. Thankfully, our house is well insulated and has large windows facing the sun so it doesn't get too awfully cold. The few days being gone, however, are far outweighed by the savings we get of not having to pay a heating bill, by the cozy warm-you-to-the-bones heat emitted by a wood fire, and even by the family time we have together when we all go out to cut wood.
As many say, a wood stove warms you twice: Once when you cut the wood, and once when you burn it.
Apart from needing to keep the woodpile stocked, which Ethan really doesn't mind when he can find the time, the only time that I dislike having a wood stove is when we leave in the winter for a couple days and come home needing to put the kids to bed. Thankfully, our house is well insulated and has large windows facing the sun so it doesn't get too awfully cold. The few days being gone, however, are far outweighed by the savings we get of not having to pay a heating bill, by the cozy warm-you-to-the-bones heat emitted by a wood fire, and even by the family time we have together when we all go out to cut wood.
As many say, a wood stove warms you twice: Once when you cut the wood, and once when you burn it.

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Tools of My Trade
You can check out more details about some of the items above from the following Amazon affiliate links. Many of these items can also be found at your local farm or hardware store.