Monday night, after we finished pulling fence, I decided it was time to start washing the laundry. I had our regular clothes to wash, Ethan's soccer clothes, a full load of dirty diapers, and just as full of a load of poison ivy infected work clothes. One problem. Our washing machine broke before the first load was even finished.
Instead of emptying the hampers this week, however, we have just been filling them more. I know I have added at least another load of clothes and cloth due to my oozing poison ivy. On a side note, I have gotten it almost every year since college - never had it before then. This is the worst I have ever had it, except for last year's encounter with the poison ivy tree that led to 3 weeks of rashes and a trip to the emergency room with blood poisoning. Even with this one being quite bad, it is has been one of the most bearable. I think I have finally found out what all to pull out of the cupboards to calm it down quickly!
Okay, back to the laundry. We haven't been able to pick up a new washer (new to us at least - we have located a few used ones we are going to try to get) since we have had quite the full week. Tuesday we met with our builder to go over the final plans before materials are ordered, and Ethan had a soccer game in the evening. Yesterday we went and bought an old camper for the farm and started fixing it up (you can read about why we got it here on my husband's blog), and Ethan had a full day of work today.
Since I am going to be gone over the weekend, I decided that the laundry NEEDS to get done. So today I loaded up all of our dirty clothes into our truck and drove to the laundry mat. An hour and a half later and over $15 poorer, I headed home with 9 loads of wet laundry which are now cycling through our drier and hanging out on racks on our deck.
Follow The Beginning Farmer's Wife on Facebook for additional personal peeks at building a family farm.
Ah yes, been there done that! Almost similar story too. I hope you get that used washer soon. It's way too expensive taking it to the laundry mat. Good Luck!
Glad to hear that your posion ivy is not one of the worst cases too;) Hope you heal up quickly. Have a great weekend Becca
Oh no! That's a lot of laundry at the laundry mat. It kind of reminds me of our apartment living days.
Re: Poison Ivy - Next time (ugh, does there have to be a next time?) there is a cream/cleaner that major grocery stores sell called Zanfel. It's pricey, around here (OH) it's $24 for a little tube. But - it w.o.r.k.s! My DH gets PI all the time and no matter where he gets it he breaks out behind his knees. And it works wonders for him. It's a gritty scrub that gets rid of the oil based reactant that everyone is allergic to - at any time. You don't have to catch it within the first "so many" hours. It lasts a good while too. I could see one tube covering a super major breakout, but we can baby a tube for quite a while. Just FYI, this is just one experience to another, not selling it or anything!
Thanks for the info on Zanfel. I had run across its name a couple times, but hadn't really heard first hand from anyone if it is worth the money. My poison ivy is actually all dried up - in one week this time! The fastest by far ever. I will definitely keep Zanfel in mind for my next outbreak (hopefully I can get through this year with just one) and maybe cut the time down even more.
Thanks again. :)
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