As I sit typing this though, my fingers on my left hand are so swollen that I can't put them together. I have blisters and oozing bumps (yeah, I look kinda gross right now) not only covering my fingers, but also on my hands, wrists, forearms, neck, face, around my eye, on my lips, and even some in my mouth. There is also a spot on my ankle and maybe one or two showing up on my back. Yup. Poison ivy trees do exist.
How did I get the poison ivy if I didn't hug the tree? Well, that is my own fault. I was cleaning out our overgrown railroad ditch again at our walnut dumping spot - this time quite a ways away from our raspberries, but about 10-15 feet from our poison ivy tree. Even though others disagreed, I had a suspicion that the tree had poison ivy on it so I should have been watching out for it on the ground too. It turns out that whole part of the ditch has poison ivy on the ground. And I found it. Before I saw it.
I thought I would share some of the things that have worked for me to keep the itch bearable. My favorite is to run as hot of water as I can stand on the spots as long as I can stand. I guess it overloads nerve receptors and turns them off for awhile. This lasts around 4 hours. (edited 5 '08 to add: Although this feels REALLY, REALLY!!! good, it might actually make the poison ivy worse - opening up pores and causing it to go deeper.) For the spots that I can't burn with water, vinegar helps take the itch away a bit. Also, a paste of oatmeal left on until it dries feels nice. I also have heard that rubbing the inside of a banana peel on the spot helps. Feel free to share your favorite home remedy. Also, I would love to hear how to get rid of this stuff.
So now I guess that I am going to have to find another spot in our yard where I can play. I'm starting to run out of options of cheap outdoor things to work on with our lot in town. Thankfully though, our yard has 5 or 6 really large walnut trees on it so I can comb the yard for walnuts for awhile if I can't think of anything better. I will just have to watch out where I dump them.
Follow The Beginning Farmer's Wife on Facebook for additional personal peeks at building a family farm.
my name is hannah and my brother's name is caleb. we love to do hard jobs such as helping pa. we are a great homeschool family so i have fun with pa and ma. we can't really grow a potato even!!!! my brother is trying to grow three bean plants with a little luck but i think one died already!!!!!
-an admier of people who can grow!!
i love your site, i hope you add.
All I can say is O.U.C.H. ~
You must be miserable. I have never had P.I. (let's pray that I don't). I pull the stuff down from trees and in the flower gardens.
I just ran across your blog, and I think I'll have to come back and read some more.
We too farm ... dairy farmers in the midwest (Indiana), raising 3 year old triplets out here with the cows.
Good to meet you ~
Thanks for dropping by. It sounds like your family has a lot of fun! Keep trying and experimenting with your plants. It has taken me awhile to figure out how to make my garden work too - and I am still trying! By the way, you and your brother have great names!!! :)
The Dairy Wife-
We also have cows, but not to milk. We are just getting in to the Dexter breed. They are at my father-in-laws farm though since we still live in town. Hopefully soon our family can get a place in the country and be out with the cows too. Feel free to drop by again . . .
Did you know???
You can sell Walnuts to the DNR for $$. Ü
They buy them so much per bushel. I don't know how much... but my dh knows. Stop him some Friday Night (Activity Day Supper) and ask him. His name is Dan. I'm thinking $2 a bushel... but hey -- it's better then dumping them and getting poison ivy.
One I do know... White Oak Acorns... they are $50 a bushel. Ü
We have an ivy climbing up our tree that is 5" across. BIG vine. We have several of those in our timber.. you an always spot them because their leaves are very colorful red in the fall -- compared to the boring brown all around them. Very tempting for little hands to pick up and bring to mommy. "AAAKKK! Put those down!!" :P
But you are right... it's poison ivy.
Funny thing . . . I actually pile up our walnuts in that spot for someone to pick up and take to the DNR. :) It gives us something to do outside and is a good deal for her too - if she didn't get into the poison ivy also!
Jewel weed is good for getting rid of that itching.
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