Last week the house kind of fell apart as my poison ivy blisters got somewhat out of control. My left hand became useless. It was so blistered and swollen that I couldn't even move my fingers. I wrapped it in towels to keep it from being painfully bumped against something. I just did the basics as the week went on - making food and changing diapers. I even switched from cloth diapers to disposable so I wouldn't have to mess with laundry.
Because the house was starting to become quite a mess, I sought ways to keep the kids busy. They are great at picking up their toys, but I was afraid the toys would get lost in the rest of the mess.

One of the things that I came up with to keep them busy was to have them help me with my compost. Our tub outside the door was needing some carbon (browns). I had been adding quite a bit of nitrogen (greens) with our kitchen scraps and things were becoming a bit off balance. I could tell by the fruit flies that had turned the compost tub into the neighborhood hangout. So I pulled out our old newspapers and let the kids shred away as I got supper ready. They had a blast, and now our fruit fly problems are taken care of.
As for my poison ivy, I finally got some steroid pills to take for my blisters and swelling from the emergency room over the weekend. I know what you are thinking. "You went to the emergency room for poison ivy blisters?" Well, I actually went in for the blood poisoning I got through my poison ivy blisters - revealed by the 18 inch red streak that was crawling and branching up my arm. After I got an antibiotic shot and antibiotic pills for that, they decided maybe I should have something for my poison ivy too. I am much relieved to say that all the meds seem to be working and, now both of my hands can be busy again.
What an ordeal! I've never had a run-in with poison ivy. Sounds nasty! Glad you're on the mend.
Oh my gracious -- I didn't know you had poison ivy. I'm so sorry.
This summer I got poison ivy -- while weed eating in the timber -- I was trying to be a good mom and make a neato path through the timber for my kiddos. ::sigh:: Now I'm very cautious about the timber.
I too finally ended up using a steroid. I had it in the summer and it spreads when you sweat... oh my does it spread...
BUT -- I learned something again... BROWNS... never new you needed to balance the two. I usually keep my compost in a smallish bucket in the kitchen and dump it daily outside... but you know how it goes -- I forget... FRUIT FLIES!! So I may try some experimenting this week with BROWNS.
THANKS!! Great post!!
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