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Friday, September 19, 2008

Ready for Paint!

It has been a little bit since I have been out to the farm to check on things. I have been busy at home packing boxes. Things are coming along great though. On Wednesday, the last coat of mud was put over the joints and nail holes in the drywall. Yesterday they sprayed a light orange peel texture on. Assuming that it will be dry, the plan is to spray the primer on this afternoon. I can't wait to see it!


Anonymous said...

How fun! When you get to this point, it's so exciting...putting your personal touches on and getting so close to moving in!

NOt sure how I found your blog, but am enjoying it.

We have recently moved in with the in laws on their 160 acre farm, and are planning on building our own house in a couple years on a few acres here.

So I am joyfully following your building process, knowing that someday soon it may become reality for me :)

Thanks for sharing!

McKrola Family said...

I love this blog too, But I remember how I found it. I googled how to can Pinto beans.. and there were step by step instructions here. I never did can pinto beans, but maybe someday. :-)

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