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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Our New Bull

Last week Ethan, my husband, took off for a two day marathon to pick up our new bull.

We have been trying to get Hershey to our herd since December. Since then, the trailer we were going to use broke, the trailer we found to buy got sold the day before we went to get it (it had been for sale since summer), and after my aunt and uncle graciously let us borrow their trailer, snow and ice storms prevented us from traveling .

We were going to take 3 days and make a mini family vacation out of the trip - we haven't had a vacation in 3 years. With the weather and number of schedules to coordinate though, we decided that Ethan better just go and get this bull at the first available chance, or who knows when we would get him!

Here's the estimated times of his trip:
Saturday: Drive a 9 hour round trip to pick up cows and drop off at his dads (cows to be delivered to Southern Missouri)

11 am - Leave from Des Moines
1 pm - arrive at his dad's to pick up cows to be delivered
9 pm - drop off cows and visit
11 pm - find a WalMart to park truck and sleep

3 am - move from WalMart to a roadside stop (work trucks came in)
6 am - wake up and find a place for breakfast
9 am - arrive to pick up bull and chat a bit
11 am - arrive at vet for over the boarder vet check papers
6 pm - arrive at his dad's to drop off the animals . . .yes, I said the animals. Ethan ended up with two hitchhikers - a cow and heifer. He figured that since he was spending the gas to get Hershey, bring these two back might would help spread out the traveling expenses. They will stay at the farm for a bit, and then will probably get sold. (We had discussed this possibility already.)
9 pm - Ethan arrived home safely.

The only other stops not mentioned in this whirlwind trip were 4 stops for gas. All other meals were eaten on the run from food that I packed for him.

On Friday our family went to go check out the new bull together. Although I'm pretty uncomfortable with myself or my husband hanging out in a bull pen, especially with a bull that has horns, I do have to admit that Hershey calms my fears a bit. The Van Beevers from Five Ponds Farm, really worked with him well and brought out the good natured personality that Dexters are valued for. Hershey is almost like a dog. He enjoys being scratched under his chin and down his neck, and even enjoys a good brushing. Although I will always want to be cautious with animals who can be unpredictable, I'm thankful for the great demeanor that Hershey has.

To end this whole fiasco, we took a trip Saturday to return the trailer to my relatives, who we owe a huge thanks!!


QuiltedSimple said...

Hershey is pretty (for a bull). And that was a LOT of driving for your husband, but it sounds like he will be a great addition to your herd. Can't wait to see more of him (and calves, and your baking. . . )


Mrs. K's Lemonade Stand said...

He is a handsome fellow!

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