We decided that it is easier to get land and then build a nice house later on, rather than getting a nice house and then getting land later on to go with it! Because of this, we are looking at building a pole building and finishing it off into a house, with the intentions of building a stick house sometime down the road.

I found a free program online that allowed me to design the inside to scale, as well as add furniture according to the size and colors we have. It was a lot of fun!
For the inside, we will finish off the majority of the building, but we will be leaving some unfinished for storage on the left side of building. It will be accessible from the outside.
On the right side of the building will be a mudroom with a storm cellar underneath. Very important when you live in Iowa!
As you walk into the house, you will immediately come to the bathroom with an attached laundry room. With farm chores being done, this is something I wanted to keep mud (and other stuff) from being tracked through the house!
You will also see the mater bedroom and kids' room on the back of the house.

The last room is a small office that will serve for business purposes and an extra nap room for afternoon naps. I'm a big on getting young kids a GOOD afternoon nap!! :)
A few other things that might be of interest: We will be heating with wood. The wood stove will be on a half wall in the middle of the house. This will allow the heat to radiate though the house. We will have some baseboard heaters as backup heat for when we are gone or for times where we can't get wood in the stove, and we will use window air for those really hot days. Our house will be an all electric house, which will get us a discount from the electric company. Also, all of the plumbing will be on one side of the building for budget reasons, as well as for future plans for the building.
Check back for my next post, and I'll write a bit about what we might do in the future with this building if these are the plans we go with.
Follow The Beginning Farmer's Wife on Facebook for additional personal peeks at building a family farm.
Looks interesting and very workable. Aren't afternoon naps the greatest? My daughter (8) would still take a 3 hour nap every day if you let her, and then still go to bed at 8:00(and get up at 7:00). Our son (5) on the other hand - had to give up his naps this last fall - he still needs them but . . . I can't do the 11:30 bedtimes!! Great ideas and good luck,
I think what you said about the kitchen cabinets is so true! It's when you have plenty to fill that your grocery bill can all of a sudden spike up. I like the idea of using your sideboard. The flow of the house is great. I think what you are doing with the bathroom, and mudroom is perfect for being a farming family.
When we finally get our home in Missouri after the military you will have to help me plan it out:) Congrats on the home, and plans!
Very, very exciting stuff! I sure pray all your plans go through! :)
Looks wonderful!
We're also going in the direction of a "barn house" and bought a set of plans from barnplans.com.
Isn't it wonderful to see your plans start taking shape?
Thanks for the comments and encouragement everyone! I look forward to updating everyone about progress. I have spent countless hours calling and getting quotes and trying to piece this all together and am ready to see it going myself! Right now I am a bit overwhelmed.
We have to have two loans and a land release between the two lenders. We are also going to be the general contractors and interior builders ourselves. And - this is all new to us! Wow! Overwhelms me just talking about it.
We really feel this is the direction the Lord is leading us, so we will trust that He will guide us through to completion - with the help of many generous offers already from friends and family.
I think your house plan looks very workable! We have a fairly large house (but no real land!) and I have heavy duty shelves in the garage where I store my canned foods, pots and pans and plastic containers. A few weeks ago, I posted some pictures on my blog - (http://www.patchworktimes.com) after re-organizing. I cook a lot and I don't mind having the "out of kitchen" storage at all. One suggestion is to have your shelves so you can get to them from both sides. That way, you can put stuff in on one side and take it out on the other side and you'll be using the oldest stuff first and have nothing sitting in the back never getting used.
Judyl-I took a peek at your organizing post. Looks like you have things pretty workable in there. I always enjoy getting things organized for easier use.
Thanks for dropping by!
You can choose your house plan from 100 because New Drafting CAD Site gives away over 100 House plans for free.
You can go and them at http://www.sdsplans.com
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