In the winter, it is a lot harder for me to keep up with the laundry. I try to hang as much as I can, putting as little as I can through the dryer. Every time I take clothes out of the dryer I pull out a huge wad of lint, and I start to wonder how much faster things that are machine dried wear out than things that are hung up to dry.
Not only do I avoid machine drying clothes for wear and tear, but also for the cost of running the dryer. That may seem a little silly since we live in a parsonage and the utilities are paid by the church, but I feel that it is a good habit for me to get into for when we have a house of our own. Plus, if I don't want to spend my money on it, why should I make the church?
All of this is to say that it takes me longer to do laundry in the winter because I don't have enough drying space to keep up with the washer.

This week while I was doing laundry and getting the house back in order, I also did some much need vacuuming. I seem to get a sore throat from the dust and allergens being stirred up when I vacuum, so this time I opened the windows while the vacuum was running. When I was done, I noticed something strange in the air that I just couldn't put my finger on. Finally, I figured it out. I was smelling laundry that had been dried outside! Actually, I was just smelling fresh air. It was wonderful! Right then and there I decided that I needed to air out some of this stale winter house air more often. Now if only I can remember to open those windows.
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I know I cannot wait for spring - and it's 29 degrees and snowing. My slow part is folding and putting away clothes - I cannot stand that job. Good luck getting it all done.
You know what?? I was reading Charlotte Mason a while back and she FIRMLY believes in fresh air every day... she thinks you should ALWAYS have a window open in the house -- but she lived in the day with kerosene lanterns and open fire places... so there was a lot of polutents in the air.
BUT -- I still think fresh air is a good idea. I've got whacked with a cold this week. AFTER you left -- so I'm hoping I didn't GIVE it to you before you left. (eek!) Maybe I should go open up some windows. We actually do this more than normal people -- due to wood heat -- which can make your home too warm. LOL Too warm? Can you imagine... that's a nice thing in the winter... too warm. Ü
== off to open some windows ==
I had soooo much fun baking bread with you! (I didn't get a cold either - so no bugs transfered.) I just tried some here at home. It turned out great - thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!
I hope you get to feeling well soon. I've been doing a bit better with cracking my windows, but we don't have wood heat so I have to shut them before I let too much heat ($$$$) out the windows.
See ya soon!
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