Ethan and I pulled in with the kids at 10:30 last night from a birthday/Easter get together. As I unloaded the kids, I heard a sound that didn't quite sound like a baby pig. (Yesterday morning before church Ethan announced that our sow had farrowed over the night.) As I listened closer, it sounded more like a lamb. According to the chart on when we should watch for our lambs to arrive, it was a little early. (The 21st was the day to start watching.) Even so, it was close.
I grabbed a flashlight and headed out to the nearby pasture, 2 kids waiting patiently in the van. My suspicions were correct. A little white wobbly legged lamb!
I quickly headed back to the van, called Ethan who was trailing behind me in the Expedition (We ended up driving to church separately due to the baby pigs that morning.), and took the kids inside to get ready for bed.
When Ethan got home he headed out to the pasture. I watched his headlamp bob across the pasture and into the shed twice as I got our little 3 month old Jonathan ready for bed. On one of these trips of his, I also saw that he was carrying a full grown sheep!
I headed outside myself after Jonathan was settled in. As I peeked into the shed I was not surprised to see the little white lamb and momma, but I was surprised to see lamb number 2! I didn't see or hear a second lamb when I first got home, and Ethan mentioned it wasn't standing well when he found it so it might have been born shortly after I saw the first.
Our first 2 lambs of the season - and first lambs born on the farm! |
Last night was a cold, rainy night. Temps will be down to the 30's this week with highs in the 50's and plenty of rain forecasted. It's really not your ideal way to start your first season of lambing. but regardless, here we go!