Things have been wild here, to say the least. With around 2 1/2 months left in my pregnancy, I'm really trying hard to make an effort to keep a good varied diet - something that I have slacked on for awhile with the busyness. The things that I have put up in the pantry during less crazy times have been so helpful. Earlier this week I pulled out some ham hock broth and meat that I had canned earlier, along with some home canned stewed tomatoes to make lentil soup. I changed my recipe a bit to match what I had on hand, and I think I am going to keep it like this now. Even though I have not become fond of its appearance yet, it is delicious, very nutritious, and one of my fall/winter favorites!

Crooked Gap Lentil Soup
6 cups ham hock broth and meat (see recipe for
Crooked Gap Ham Broth in
CGF Pork and Pork Recipes photos - Facebook page)
1 pint (2 c) stew/diced tomatoes
2 c dried lentils
2 c chopped celery
2 c chopped carrots
2 c chopped onion
3-4 cloves minced garlic
1 tsp salt
1 tsp basil
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp thyme
1/2 tsp pepper
1 bay leaf (remove before serving)
Slow cook until lentils are tender or simmer 35-45 minutes.
OH man, I must have missed a post months ago. I had no idea you were expecting again. Congrats!
I don't think I knew you were pregnant either! So am I! lol...except I have 4 more months to go...a long wait to see what God has blessed us with!
Hmmmmm. We too have recently made the decision to jump in head first with our farm. I am leaving a very well paying job (RN) to work side by side with my husband on the farm for less pay but more benefits. Will we make it ? Don't know but we are going to give it our all. Prayers for you and yours as you do all you can for your farm survival as well. Keep us posted !
Great recipe!! I emailed your husband the other day about a blogging conference in Des Moines. Thought I'd better post so you didn't think it was spam. Not sure how close you are..distance or to delivery! LOL! But it might be helpful with your sites. Have a wonderful day! Hope you are feeling well!
Jenny aka Backwoods Mama at themagicfarmhouse dot com.
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