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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Storing Sheets

I was visiting my friend in Minnesota last year, and she had the genius idea of storing sheets by keeping the sheet set inside the pillowcase. Now why didn't I think of that?!

Fold the sheets (You can even skip this step if you don't like folding sheets!)
Place the sheets inside the pillowcase
Fold up the pillowcase


Nancy M. said...

That is a really great idea! I had never even thought of it!

Moira said...

I LOVE 'sticer/consequence' chart ideas. Simple, and simply made!

The other about storing sheets inside pillowcases? WHY hasn't every wife and mom in the nation thought of that one?!?! Thanks SO much for sharing! With 3 kids and my dh & I we need a better and easier way to store linens. Way to go!

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