Lately I've been thinking about my little corner of the farm. I say that kind of jokingly because we both enjoy the whole farm. This little corner is where I spend most of my time, and it is also the area that holds what I love to eat best. So while I've been waiting for the snow to melt, I've been doing some planning. I pulled up and guesstimated where we have put our house, shed, garden, berry plants, and orchard.

After that, I planted my grape vines, yard trees, lilac bushes, some flowers, and set up the kids' swing set/play tower. I also set up our fire pit, put a clothes lineup, made some walkways to the house and storm shelter, fixed up the hydrant area, expanded the garden and added a path, plowed up some strawberry beds, finished the perimeter fence around the yard, put in some gravel to the shed and winter lot gate, and cut some wood and built a wood pile for next winter (by the green electric box).
If only it were that easy. And if only trees grew that fast. Oh well. A little at a time. It is fun to see it on paper (or computer), and it helps to have a plan for our trees in case we ever build a stick house a couple decades down the road. I just need to remember when we lived in town and the only way to see the house we are in now was to pull up floorplanner. (You can check that post out
So for now, I'll just keep dreaming - and enjoying my new grape plants sent from my aunt in Oregon, which came out of dormancy quite well above my cupboard this winter. I think they will be one of the first things to get put in place from my dreaming . . .
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