
Monday, April 21, 2014

Encouragements of Garden Perennials

After having my potatoes, onions, lettuce, and a few other early spring plants in the ground by April 5th last year, I would love to say that I have a decent start this year. Although I have managed to get the garden tilled up, that is really about all I have gotten done.

I was hoping this first trimester morning/afternoon/evening sickness and exhaustion would be fading a bit faster around the time the garden was ready to start planting, but it is still sticking around. And so I rest and wait - wait for that perfect combination of dry enough spring soil and a day where I have a bit of energy.

Today was one of those days where I had a little afternoon energy, but the soil was a bit muddy from the early morning rain. Even so, I took advantage of the energy I did find and stepped out to enjoy the warm day and fresh air.

As I did so, I was encouraged by the perennials crops and plants in and around my garden, the bits of growth in an anxiously awaiting plot of otherwise bare soil. I know that I will eventually get my spring crops planted, but until then I will enjoy the plants in my garden that wintered over and are now greeting me with their fresh spring colors.


 Asparagus started from seed - Enjoyed over a cup tonight!


Fall planting of garlic

 Red Raspberries in orchard adjoining garden

  Cherry tree in orchard adjoining garden

Peonies in corners of the garden 

Follow The Beginning Farmer's Wife on Facebook for additional personal peeks at building a family farm.

1 comment:

  1. ah! asparagus. I cannot wait to be in our forever home to start some!
