
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mrs. Soup Stays out of the Pot

Last fall Caleb named our chickens by breed. Our barred rock is now affectionately called "Who are you Soup?" I'm not sure where the name came from, maybe from when I was threatening to stew the chickens, but it stuck.

Well, "Who are you Soup?" has earned herself out of the stew pot. We found her nest a couple weeks ago, and she continues to lay eggs in our wagon full of construction garbage. She was even in there Saturday when I went to get a few bags to set out for the trash man, and yes, that is fresh snow in the wagon. (By the way, the trash company is called Country Trash, which I find kind of funny.)

So now a question arises. How long will "Who are you Soup?" continue to lay eggs in the wagon? She has established a great nest, but it is not one we were hoping to keep around. We haven't found the nest spot of "Henny Penny" or "Mr. Vanhowelingen" yet, if there is one. So our little barred rock is our only supplier of eggs.

Maybe we'll get a proper chicken coop built one of these days.


  1. I just found you and your hubby and I'm really enjoying your story!

    I have a question. When you can your dried beans, are you water canning or pressure canning? I'm intrigued! I can't wait to try this.

    We just got chicks a week ago. They're in the basement right now with a heat lamp but we're working on a coop ourselves.

  2. C-re
    Thanks for dropping by! The beans do have to be pressure canned. I actually am needing to do another batch myself . . . Hope your chicks do well!
