My sister-in-law was the one to notice "the look" I gave back, as she knows that my hobbies have taken a shelf in the upper cabinet (or have been heaved up in the attic) as we have gotten our farm going with now 5 children whom are being home schooled.
When I think about it though, I still do have some things I would consider hobbies. They aren't really activities I do regularly for leisure, but little extra things I do to enjoy occasions. Things that wouldn't need to be done apart from the fact that I find enjoyment in them or want to bring others enjoyment through them.
One of these "hobbies" is making a special birthday cake for our kids' birthdays. I started this when our oldest, who is now ten, turned one. For the weeks leading up to their birthdays, I think about what has stood out in their previous year. I then dig through my pans and bake ware to find just the right shapes to construct a cake to signify this - a cake not necessarily professional looking but one that is always greeted with excitement each birthday morning from kids who have been eagerly anticipating just what their cake will be.
As I have baked cakes and decorated them in preparation for birthdays, so many wonderful memories come back from the year before. And although I have had some major frustrations while trying to prepare their cakes as I have envisioned them, I thoroughly enjoy the time of reflecting on how each of our children have blessed us with just being themselves from the year prior.
For this, I am happy to leave my hobbies in the attic.
Our Jonathan turned 4 today. All year he has tagged along beside
us with his level helping to farm and doing "what farmer's do." No
matter if it was a building project or working with livestock,
everything got checked for level - so why not his cake too?
After he put on his safety glasses, he got to take off the level to check it himself. He
also was able to measure it,
pound in the nails,
and screw in the screws.