
Our Farm Across the Internet

Our first posts, which offer a glimpse into the start of our journey:

Our Various Internet Presences Check out our website to learn more about our farm! 

Crooked Gap Farm - The Recipe Box Our blog, Crooked Gap Farm - The Recipe Box, shares our favorite Crooked Gap Farm meat recipes as well as favorite recipes from our customers.

The Beginning FarmerThe Beginning Farmer Ethan shares on the The Beginning Farmer blog many farming book reviews, our developing thoughts on our farming methods, research, and much more. 

The Beginning Farmer Show Ethan puts out a weekly podcast, The Beginning Farmer Show, where he shares updates about our farm, topics on beginning farming, and hard lessons learned.

epicuriouslogobutton Epicurious Ethan spent some time writing and sharing about farm life on

Facebook Through Facebook, we enjoy sharing photos from around the farm and day to day happenings on the farm.

Follow crookedgapfarm on TwitterTwitter Twitter is another great way to catch photos from around the farm and day to day happenings on the farm.

Five Loaves Two Fish Our children manage a blog where they share how they are using their gifts and skills to bless others in need.

Crooked Gap Farm - In the News