
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Hoop House Sneak Peak

Our hoop house posts are in! 

If you haven't heard of our hoop house project, you can check it out at

We are so excited to have gotten the posts in before the ground completely froze.  Now we can finish up phase 1 of our project this year, which will include putting on the hoop and moving in the pigs! (Next year we hope to complete our project with electrical and cement work.)

A more detailed account of our hoop house construction will be posted in the future, but here are a couple sneak peaks as our kids' helped along. Our pace does slow a little bit with the extra help around, but the investment in our children far outweighs cutting out a few hours of construction.

Our 9 year old watches on as we work to square up the building.  Earlier in the day he had a quick lesson about the pythagorean theorem. 

Our then 7 year old helping lay out the steaks for the line posts.

The crew watches on as the first corner post is drilled.

Our 2 year old gives the hole his approval.

Our 2 and then 4 year old watch on as spikes are pounded into each post to help grab the concrete.

Taking a loader break. The kids have learned well from their grandpa who has taught them all about the John Deere union bell.

Our 2 year old watches on as Ethan straightens one of the holes due to some challenges with dull drill blades and hard packed clay.

Our 2 year old back filling some post holes after the quick crete has set.

This soil has to be tamped, of course to hold the post tightly.

Our now 5 year old helps out with the tamping as well.

Our now 8 year old also joins in the tamping.

All of the posts are in!  Our 9 year old helps measure to find out where to set the laser level. Today posts were marked and are ready for trimming down in order to receive the hoop house hoops!

We are so relieved to be at this point, and we are blessed to be able to have our children join with us in our journey.

Follow The Beginning Farmer's Wife on Facebook for additional personal peeks at building a family farm.

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