
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Social Networking

A big part of getting our name out for our farm has been social networking. Obviously, our blogs have played a part. If you haven't found our other sites though, here's a list:



Our Website:

Ethan's Blog:

Another big part of getting our farm going has been all of the help we have received from others, including the help we are continuously getting from my parents as we press on in our set up. My dad has recently retired from John Deere and is now getting his woodworking business back in full swing again. (He did his woodworking full time for around 10 years when laid off during the farm crisis and part time once called back again until retirement.) My dad is also jumping in on the social networking scene. You can check out his craftsmanship and sites here:

His Facebook:

His Etsy Page:

His Website/Blog:

Just for a snapshot, here is one of his latest pieces of furniture - perfect for a farmer's mudroom (unfortunately, not ours).

This set of lockers includes 4 open lockers and 1 locker with a door for storage. Glove and hat cubbies are above each locker. Under and extending in front of the lockers, making a bench, are 5 divided boot boxes with individual hinged lids. This set of lockers is made of oak and raised panel construction.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Becca,
    Hi, My name is Jasmine and I am a photographer looking to take some photos of young farmers for a photo essay I am doing.
    I am a professional photographer and I have been interested in not only in young farmers but also people who are still on family land.
    I am born and raised in Des Moines and hope through my photo essay people here in the city and hopefully if I am lucky in other cities, see the people who put healthy USA made food on there tables.
    I have great respect for the small farmer and would really love to have you and your husband as models for this essay.
    If you would like to contact me my phone number is 515 422 7082 and my e-mail is
    My websites are and and you can also contact me through those sites as well.
    Hope you call or write and that we can meet up or you can put me in contact with people who are willing to be photographed.
    Much joy and happiness to you and yours,
    Jasmine Bastanchury.
