
Thursday, June 3, 2010

What's She Up To?

Now that schools are getting out, I think I can call it summer. So I thought I would would give a quick spring update. Although I feel there is still a lot to be done, I feel a lot has been done too.

Among other things, I have spent a lot of time this spring planting the garden, transplanting berry plants from the woods, moving dirt to level anthills and to balance out the storm shelter, planting trees (about 30), cleaning up the yard of winter "debris", cleaning out the hay shed and storage shed, and getting our new farm name set up. (Which we are still in the process of, but it's coming!) I have also been busy inside with the kids, their schooling, continuing to get the house settled in, and just your usual housework.

I usually whip out out my list of projects at nap time and on the evenings when Ethan is in town. Because of this, I was starting to find myself saying to my sweet kiddos, "Just a minute. Mommy is almost done with her post." Since I never want to make keeping a journal or the computer more important than my kids, (and want to visit with or help Ethan on the evenings when he is home and the kids are in bed) I decided my blog has to wait until I can write my posts again when the kids are sleeping and the rest of the house is empty.

So where am I now . . . well, I still have a nice to-do list for outside and just as nice of one inside for rainy days. I also have, it seems, just as long of a list in my head of things I'd love to blog about! The last list will have to wait, however, until the previous two are done and I 'm looking for something do during nap time again. Unfortunately, I don't think that will ever happen on the farm as much as it did in town - but I'm not throwing my list of things to blog about away yet!

Thanks to all who keep checking back! Feel free to sign up on the right to get new posts by e-mail to save some internet bouncing time. :)


  1. Hi Becca!

    I link to you from my blog, but I don't think we've ever talked. Good to see you back online, and I appreciate your priorities of home and family ahead of blogging! I know how busy things can get ~smile~

  2. I'll second Mrs.T on the priorities!

  3. Becca, I too struggle with the priorities of the farm and family. My husband and I meet every am like some mini-corp to help us focus and we encourage each other to take care of family needs first. Never easy when one sees the pigs out the fence ...again.... Keep blogging when you can :)
