
Thursday, January 22, 2009

This Little Piggie . . .

These little piggies went to market . . .

These little piggies stayed home . . .

Today we took our first batch of livestock to the butcher. What a big step for me! All of my animals were pets to me growing up, and I never thought I would be able to eat anything that I "knew". I agreed to give this a try though since it is supposed to help Ethan's cholesterol. (If the difference in meat doesn't make a difference then the work will!) We agreed not to name what we would eat, and off to the butcher our pigs went today. If any of you knew me before I met Ethan, that should tell you just how much I love him!

Anyway, we had 9 pigs. Until last week we only had 2 sold so we just reserved 5 for today's trip. Word has been getting around though, and we will be needing to take some more a different day. It looks as if we might just have 2 left now. We were planning on keeping 3 for breeding, but we would rather sell an extra and buy in feeders if we have to right now.

So away the 5 little (actually big) piggies went today. When Ethan dropped them off he was excited to see the locker we took them to won the 2008 best cottage bacon of the year award. I'm glad we ordered some!


  1. This could be the beginning of something big. The business will surely just grow and snowball from here. Hang on! It will be a fun ride!

  2. I just bought a pig to grow out to butcher later and I feel the same my brother and sisters and I use to have a cow tibit was her name and we use to ride her all the time she was a very gential cow she got to old to have babies and my step dad had her butcherd and us kids couldn't eat her they had to trick us that it was from the store.. My little sister also has a big to grow out to do the same with my mom don't think we will be able to do it . we will see if we have meet in the freezer or a pet lol shannon

  3. ooooooooooops I have a type o big is pig lol
