
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Update on our Farm Hands

Today Isaac is 1 month old. How time flies! He is growing well and doing great. He is pretty low maintenance as far as newborn babies go. He is sleeping well and has only been getting me up once a night the last two weeks.

Caleb and Hannah are continuing to love their new little brother, as well as loving life on our farm. They both enjoy helping out outside, especially Caleb. He loves to follow Ethan around during chore time and help as he can.

And of course, they both love playing outside. I didn't let them go outside by themselves in the neighborhood we were in while living in town. Here, however, they can go out and play, and I can even keep a close eye on them with our big picture windows.

Thank you for the thoughts and prayers for our pastor. He is encouraging everyone with how he is recovering and was just taken out of critical care and put into a regular room yesterday.


  1. You know what I love about your blog. YOU ARE LIVING YOUR DREAM!

  2. Sometimes Ethan and I just sit in the house and say "Can you believe what we are doing?" Other times we sit in the house and ask, "WHAT are we doing?!" :) It IS pretty amazing though.
