
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day 12 of Construction

They are sooooo close to being done! It looks like there isn't even 1/2 a days work left. If it wasn't for the ladders they left, I would have thought that they just overlooked a few of the details. Here are some pictures:


  1. It looks really, really good. Bet your excited to start the inside work now..

  2. Now can we start pounding nails??? :)

  3. We are anxious and excited to start our work. Two hangups though - no electricity yet and we're still waiting on the loan so we can buy some nails to pound. More on those things to come . . .

  4. Wow! It is amazing how fast it has gone up!

  5. I was curious as to the use for the large sliding door? Is this to allow air in the summer, or for future use when it might become a store? I am slow to realize things at times. Thanks.

    Lance Williams

  6. Bro. Williams-
    Ethan and I have been looking out that sliding door all throughout construction noticing what a great view it is!

    This is actually the entrance to the storage area of our building, so it will be completely divided off from the house. This area originally went the full length of the house, but since we added a bedroom it goes 2/3 of the way. You can see the drawn out plans at this post on July 11:

    The reason that we went with a sliding door was to give it more functionality as a storage area. This building is the only building that is on this property and will store feed, small equipment, tools, possibly hay, and whatever else we can fit in the area. (It was a big surprise to me when Ethan suggested giving up part of the storage for an extra bedroom!)

    There is also the possibility that some of the building will one day be converted to more storage if we build a stick built house.

    So, although the door would be a great view and give us good ventilation, it can't be used for either of those. We did talk about how we could sit inside of it and watch storms roll in though. :)
