
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day 4 of Construction

Today we went out to the farm at 10:45 am to take a peek at the house.  When we pulled up, this is what we saw.  

I was pretty surprised with how quickly they got the trusses up. We didn't get a chance to see what else they did today, and we won't be able to see until Saturday.  I'm assuming that they worked on the porch though - the posts in front that are still free standing.  It will be fun to see it all together!

The plumbing is still scheduled for early Saturday morning.  Ethan is going to go out and help with that since the plumber is from our church.  Today I also talked to the concrete contractor.  They plan on coming Monday morning, weather pending.  


  1.'s amazing how quickly that can be done! I'm sure you get excited every time you pull in to see what has changed :)

  2. Wow, they aren't kidding with that thing! I'm really impressed how much work they did in one day!
