
Thursday, June 12, 2008


Although my garden isn't quite what I had dreamed it would be this year (I have finally got pictures loaded of my pot garden from two posts down), I have had at least some fruitfulness from it this spring. Strawberries! Last summer I was given 4 strawberry plants from my mom. I babied them as much as I could, mulching around them and feeding them coffee grounds. When they would shoot out a runner, I would position it to where I wanted it to root, and then clip the lead once it was established.

This year I have a nice little berry patch. I have placed our abandoned chicken pen over them to keep the birds out, and I have been enjoying strawberries the last two weeks with my kids. Every day I am able to get enough for all of us to enjoy. I am excited to see new runners coming too.

Once we get our new garden established, these little gems will move over to our new property. I may even try to make a garden/patch just for strawberries, as my mom has quite a few more plants to pass on this year.

Next up . . . raspberry season!


  1. Strawberry Shortcake on the mind...........They look yummy Becca:) Glad things are sprouting up around the farm. Hope everything else is coming together for you all. Take Care

  2. Strawberry mornings at the Book's farm? Count me in! :)
