
Saturday, October 17, 2020

2020: Where are we now?

The Beginning Farmer Show Podcast and YouTube Vlog!

It has been a LONG time since I've posted last, and almost as long since I've even signed on here. 

Honestly, I miss documenting what we've been up to, miss the community and encouragement from all who comment, and miss looking back over where we have been. 

Even so, I was starting to miss greater things with keeping up my blog. We now have 6 children, and I was missing time with them - which led me to slowly and eventually fade off of blogging. I don't plan to start back up anytime soon, (although I would be thrilled to find the day had an extra hour reserved for me to do just that!), but I did want to provide a quick update for those who started this journey with us, before we had even moved out of town.

Currently, we are still continuing our farm and are about to start our 12th year. Our 4 sons and 2 daughters,  ages 2 -16, bless us with a richness that far outweighs the slower pace of farm progress that happens with a young family of 8. I continue to homeschool all of the children as well as produce and preserve the vast majority of what we eat throughout the year. (Usually 500 quarts are canned in addition to the freezer and storm shelter being filled.) Ethan continues to work as a pastor in town to provide for our living expenses while the farm income is devoted to continuing to set up our farm. He also does his best to keep sharing our journey, knowing how helpful resources have been to him as we have started up our beginning farming journey. 

Recently, Ethan started documenting what is going on here on again on his YouTube channel and has been consistently sharing a number of videos each week. 

He has also produced over 150 podcast episodes since 2013. 

I am thankful that he has been able to keep up with documenting our journey, and am glad to have our journey pieced together for sharing with the generations down the road. I also hope that it is helpful and an encouragement for anyone else out there who might be starting or considering to start a beginning farming journey of their own. Thanks for joining along with us!