
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Name that Grass - Round 1

Okay all of you homesteaders and farmers out there.  Here's a little challenge for you.  I went on a walk with my kiddos last night and brought back seed heads from some of the grasses along the way.  We are going to try to identify them, learn their names, and hopefully learn some facts about them. 

I realize it helps to know their height and see their leaves, but how can you do on naming them, going from left to right?  As of tonight, I'm certain of 2, fairly confident of 3, and have some ideas for 2 others.  

You can click on the photo to see it larger. Feel free to leave a comment here on on my original post on Facebook with your guesses or expert answers! 

And for being a blog reader, I'll give you some insider information.  These grasses were collected on the part of the pasture that has not been heavily over seeded by us. It had been in the CRP program for 10 years and had been planted with native prairie grasses.  The area includes high and dry land as well as land that stays fairly moist from a small spring and runoff from rains. Round 2, which will be coming soon, will have more grasses from the area that we have over seeded.

Have fun! :)

p.s.  Sorry, there is no prize but the satisfaction of knowing that you know your grasses.